Luxe Port - Perfume Distribution Company Jobs 2023
About the Job involved Official Website, Social Media, Newspaper, Recruiting through agency etc Vacancies will come in this. As sure as possible Posting. But own Investigate at risk. Admin NO RESPONSIBILITY Not having. We recruit anywhere Does not work for anyone Does not provide Opportunities..Just informing below
Each person has special abilities. Spending a person's talent for his own prosperity, community good and social service is a very necessary thing. It is the very fact that the situation that transforms that ability into Job can lead to the upliftment of a society. Therefore, our social system and the nature of work are very much connected.
The Luxe Port Trading is distribution service resource in the field of luxurious fragrance and cosmetics industry in United Arab Emirates and expanding its scope across GCC. Constituted towards the mid-year of 2018 and lead by experts who had been in distribution business for over two decades in the UAE.Luxe Port Trading is a distribution service resource in the field of luxurious fragrance and cosmetics industry in the United Arab Emirates and expanding its scope across GCC.Luxe Port Trading is moving fast to increase its impeccable portfolio of bespoke and internationally- renowned brands bringing luxury experience at the fingertips of the UAE and GCC customers.
Luxe Port Trading is moving fast to increase its impeccable portfolio of bespoke and internationally- renowned brands bringing luxury experience at the fingertips of the UAE and GCC customers. Our commitment to the heritage of perfumery and beauty extends to supporting our growing clients through our comprehensive service, from the sophistication of brand management, in-depth market knowledge and expertise to warehousing & logistics solutions.
Post Name- Perfume Sales Promoters
Salary- Depending on Experience
Language Skill - Required
Benefits- Discuss in the Interview
Company Name- Luxe Port
Nationality- Selective
Qualification- Based on Post
Gender- Female/Male
Benefits- Attractive Benefits
Salary- Discuss in the Interview
Age Limit- Below 40
Job Location-Dubai
Interview - Only for shortlisted candidates
Recruitment by- Direct by Company
Luxe Port warmly welcomes those who have a keen sense of interest in building a career by applying for Luxe Port's jobs. All candidates are requested to please take a few minutes to set up Their profile by visiting the following link below. Once the HR department of this company has received your CV, the recruitment team will review it thoroughly and you will get back to you if you are shortlisted. Below is the list of Luxe Porty's jobs, any individual can apply by meeting the criteria given.
Luxe Port's interview process is very detailed and thorough. They will ask a lot of questions about your experience, expertise, and motivation for working at Luxe Port. They also want to know more about you as a person, so they may ask some personal questions. The whole process usually takes about an hour, so it is important to be prepared and honest in your answers.
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