Income tax in India is governed by Entry 82 of the Union List of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, empowering the central government to tax non-agricultural income; agricultural income is defined in Section 10(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961.Income-tax law consists of the 1961 act, Income Tax Rules 1962, Notifications and Circulars issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), annual Finance Acts, and judicial pronouncements by the Supreme and high courts.
The aspirants who are looking for the Latest Central Govt Jobs can utilize this wonderful opportunity. Income Tax Department has released an employment notification of the Income Tax Recruitment 2023 on its official website https://www.tnincometax.gov.in/. Through this latest Income Tax Department recruitment, Offline Applications are invited from eligible and desirous candidates for fill up 71 vacancies for the posts of Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant and Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS). Aspirants who are serious about their career and if you want to make a career in Income Tax Department can apply directly from the link provided below. The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates.
Important Dates.
Offline Application Commencement from 6th February 2023
Last date to Submit Offline Application 24th March 2023
Job Type Central Govt
Important Dates.
Offline Application Commencement from 6th February 2023
Last date to Submit Offline Application 24th March 2023
Job Type Central Govt
Recruitment Type Sport Quota
Advt No F.No. 205(9) / Sports / 2022-23/Pr. CCIT Dated: 06.02.2023
Post Name Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant and Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
Total Vacancy 71
Job Location All Over India
Salary Rs.20,200 – 34,800
Apply Mode Offline
Application Start 6th February 2023
Last date for submission of application 24th March 2023
Official website https://www.tnincometax.gov.in/
Income Tax Recruitment 2023 Latest Vacancy Details
Income Tax Department has released the following vacancy details with their recent recruitment notification 2022. They invite 71 Candidates to fill their vacancies. Candidates can check their
job vacancy details below.
1. Income Tax Inspectors 102. Tax Assistants 22
3. Multi Tasking Staff 39
Income Tax Recruitment 2023 Age Limit Details
To apply for the Income Tax Department Latest jobs, the candidates who are interested in filling up forms must be required to attain the following age limit. The notified aged candidates only can able to apply for the job vacancy. The Reserved category candidates from SC, ST, PWD, Women and all others will get the upper age limit relaxation as per government norms. Check official Notification by the help of below mentioned direct Income Tax Recruitment 2023 notification link. Check the age limit details below.
1. Income Tax Inspector 18 to 30 Years
2. Tax Assistant 18 to 27 Years
3. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) 18 to 25 Years
The upper age limit is relaxed up to a maximum of 5 years for Unreserved/ OBC candidates & 10 years for SC/ST candidates in the case of sports persons with exceptional achievements as mentioned in DoPT Office Memorandum No.15012/3/84-Estt.(D) dated 12.11.1987 and who satisfy all other eligibility conditions and who furnish the necessary certificates.
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Income Tax Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification Details
Candidates who are going to fill the Income Tax Recruitment 2023 application form requested to check their education qualification required for various Income Tax Department opportunities. Aspirants are requested to go through the latest Income Tax Recruitment 2023 entirely, Before applying for the vacancies aspirants should ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria, only those applicants should apply who are eligible otherwise their application will be rejected. You can check Income Tax Department
Income Tax Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification Details
Candidates who are going to fill the Income Tax Recruitment 2023 application form requested to check their education qualification required for various Income Tax Department opportunities. Aspirants are requested to go through the latest Income Tax Recruitment 2023 entirely, Before applying for the vacancies aspirants should ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria, only those applicants should apply who are eligible otherwise their application will be rejected. You can check Income Tax Department
job Qualification details below.
1. Income Tax Inspectors -(i). Degree from a recognized University or equivalent2. Tax Assistants –(i). Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.(ii). (ii) Having Data Entry Speed of 8,000 Key depressions per hour.
3. Multi Tasking Staff –(i) 10th class pass or equivalent from a recognized board or university.
– Order of Preference: Meritorious sportspersons will be selected as per the order of preference contained in the DoPT OM No. 14034/1/95-Estt. (D) dated 04.05.1995 and as mentioned in the consolidated instruction issued by the DoPT vide OM No. 14034/01/2013- Estt (D) dated 03.10.2013. The order of preference prescribed by the Department of Personnel & Training in this regard is as under:
A) First preference: to those candidates who have represented the country in International Competition with the clearance of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports.
B) Second preference: to those who have represented a State/Union Territory in the Senior or Junior Level national championships organized by the National Sports Federations recognized by the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports or National Games organized by Indian Olympics Association and have won medals or positions up to 3. place. Between the candidates participating in senior and Junior National Championships/games, the candidates having participated and won the medal in Senior National Championship shall be given preference.
C) Third preference: to those, who have represented a University in an Inter-University competition conducted by the Association of Indian Universities / Inter-University Sports Board and have won medals or positions up to 3rd place in finals.
D) Fourth preference: to those, who have represented the State Schools in the National Sports/Games for Schools conducted by the All-India School Games Federation and have won medals or positions up to 3rd place.
E) Fifth preference: to those, who have been awarded National Award in physical efficiency under National Physical Efficiency Drive.
F) Sixth preference: to those who represented a State / Union Territory / University / State School Teams at the level mentioned in categories (B) to (D) but could not win a medal or position, in the same order of preference.
Note 1. In the event of tie between two candidates, tie-breaker rules as per guidelines shall be applicable.
Note 2. In case of any doubt about the status of a tournament/event, the matter will be decided by the Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Karnataka and Goa Region.
Income Tax Recruitment 2023 Application Fee
1. Rs.100/- (Rs one hundred only).2. Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD), and Ex-servicemen are exempted from payment of fee.
3. Fee can be paid through Postal Order or Demand Draft from any nationalized bank drawn in favour of “ZAO, CBDT, Bangalore”. The postal order / Demand Draft needs to be attached with the signed copy of the application.
How To Apply For Latest Income Tax Recruitment 2023?
The application form as provided in the Notification must be filled completely and signed. The candidates are required to submit the signed application form in original along with attested copies of the necessary documents. The application form so filled should be sent by speed post or registered post to the address: “Commissioner of Income Tax (Admin and TPS), 0/o Principal Chief Commissioner of Income-Tax, Karnataka and Goa Region, Central Revenue Building, No.1, Queen’s Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560001” so as to reach this office on or before 24.03.2023, the last date fixed for the receipt of the application.– Only one application should be submitted by the candidate.
– The application envelopes should be superscribed as –
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