Waqf Board Recruitment: Apply till 31

 Waqf Board Recruitment: Apply till 31

 About the Job involved Official Website, Social Media, Newspaper, Recruiting through agency etc Vacancies will come in this. As sure as possible Posting. But own Investigate at risk. Admin NO RESPONSIBILITY Not having. We recruit anywhere Does not work for anyone Does not provide Opportunities..Just informing below

Each person has special abilities. Spending a person's talent for his own prosperity, community good and social service is a very necessary thing. It is the very fact that the situation that transforms that ability into Job can lead to the upliftment of a society. Therefore, our social system and the nature of work are very much connected.

About Us

Kerala State Wakf Board is a statutory  body constituted by the Government of Kerala under the Wakf Act 1995 (Central Act  43 of 1995) several mosques ,kabarsthan ,orphanages ,dargas etc. are registered with this board in addition to the waqf properties. The Kerala State Wakf Board is a body corporate with perceptual succession and a common seal with powers to acquire and hold property etc.

The functions of the Kerala State Wakf Board are: (1) General Superintendence of all  Wakfs institutions and their properties in the State ,(2) to exercise powers under the Wakf Act so as

to ensure that the Waqfs under its superintendence are properly maintain controlled and administered and the income thereof is duly applied to the objects for which such Wakfs are created or intended.

The State Government  appoints a Chief Executive Officer for the Boardin consultation with the Board . Also the Board is empowered by the Act to appoint such number of officers and other employees as may be necessary for performance of its functions in consultation with the State Government under section  24 of Wakf Act,1995. All the employees of the Board are

deemed to be public servants within the meaning of Section 21 of the IndianPenal Code(45 of 1860)


The Head Office of Wakf Board located near Jawaharlal Nehru International stadium  V.I.P. Road, Kaloor,Ernakulam is mainly responsible for the supervision of administration of Wakf institutions and its attached properties spread over the entire State.The Wakf Act, 1995 (Act No.43 of 1995) which came into force on 1-1-1996 by replacing the Wakf Act 1954 intends to provide better administration of wakfs.The Board consists of elected and nominated members from various categories which are mentioned in the Wakf Act.The Kerala State Wakf Board  came into existence in the year 1960 underthe Chairmanship of Jb. P.K.Kunju Sahib (Former minister) And the  present board is the 10th board after its formation.Present chairman is Jb.K.V.Abdulkader (Member of Kerala Legislative Assembly)


The Kerala State Wakf Board is a regulatory authority. The general Superintendence of all Wakfs in the state shall vest with the Board; and it shall be the duty of the Board to exercise its power as to ensure that the wakfs under its superintendence are properly maintained controlled and administered and the income thereof is duly applied to the objects and for the purposes for which such wakfs were created or intended.

The Board is an important body having extensive and important duties and functions.  In recovery of alienated Wakf properties, Evicting tenants from Wakf properties and in land acquisition proceedings Board should be a party.  Board is an important forum to solve the disputes regarding the wakfs.  The affiliation to the Board is acting as a guide to the systematic working of the wakfs.

Wakf Act : Act 43 of 1995 An Act to provide for the better administration of wakfs and for or Matters connected there with or incidental there to.

Wakf Rules  : Rules made by the Govt. of Kerala in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 109 of the Wakf Act, 1995, as per Notification No. G.O.M.S.NO. 508/96.RD. dated 06-09-96.

Objects : The general superintendence of all wakfs in the state shall vest in the Board established in the state; and it shall be the duty of the Board so to exercise its powers under this Act to ensure that the wakfs under its superintendence are property maintained, controlled and administered and the income thereof is duly applied to the objects and for the purposes For which such wakfs were created or intended. 

Functions of the Wakfs The Wakfs are mainly intended to make facilities to perform the religious and charitable rituals and rites of the Muslims.Establishing Mosques, it facilitates daily prayers.It establishes and run ‘Dars’. Madrassas. It start and run Hospitals Schools ,Colleges ,Libraries, Orphanages for the social and cultural advancement and this also form part of the aim of the Wakfs.

1.To maintain Register of Wakfs.

2.To direct Mutawallis for proper administration of Wakfs.

3.To scrutinize the budjets and accounts of the Wakfs. Auditthe Accounts Wakfs

4.To settle and frame schemes of management of the Wakfs.

5.To recover the alienated Wakf properties through District Collectors.

6.To remove encroachments through Sub Divisional Magistrates.

7.To sanction to purchase properties and grant lease/ mortgage of Wakf Properties.

8.To appoint and remove Mutawallis in certain cases.

9.Assumption of direct management, supervision and supersession of management

10.of Wakfs. Inquiry relating to the administration of the Wakfs and the disposal after

11.due Consideration, the cases that are filed before the Board by aggrieved parties

Other Activities

1.Pension to scholars and teachers in Arabic language and Literature

And Khadims under Social Welfare Scheme.

2.Financial aid for marriage, treatment under Social Welfare Scheme

3. Loan scholarship for professional education.

4. Grant scholarship for technical and higher secondary education.

5. Providing loan for construction of shopping complex, shadi mahals etc. from Central Wakf Council.

6. Providing grant for libraries from Central Wakf Council.

7. Issuing marriage certificate.

8. Maintenance to poor Muslim divorced women as per order of the


9. To provide financial support to start Islamic Chairs in Universities.

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