UAE couple has announced a scholarship of Rs 1 lakh for the children

 UAE couple has announced a scholarship of Rs 1 lakh for the children 

UAE couple has announced a scholarship of Rs 1 lakh for the children of expatriates working in the UAE for low salaries. The scholarship will be given to the daughters of 25 eligible expatriates. Haseena Nishad, a prominent woman entrepreneur, is providing a scholarship of Rs 1 lakh each for the undergraduate studies of the students. Parents with girls who are currently studying in plus two class can apply for this scholarship. Expatriates in the UAE will be considered for the scholarship. The 25 eligible candidates will be selected by properly checking the answers to the questionnaire received when the applicants whatsapp to the number 050 906 7778 under the supervision of an expert team. Both the parent and the daughter can apply. Applications have to be submitted by February 15. Hasina Nishad, MD of World Star Holdings, and Nishad Hussain, chairman of World Star Holdings, announced that the scholarships will be distributed at a function to be held on Women's Day on March 8.

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