m-Homoeo mobile application:
This app in future will help bring services in the homeopathy department to the public. The State Homeopathy Department has prepared a mobile app with the aim of making government services more easily available to the public through mobile technologies. The services available to Citizens, especially homeopathy preventive medicine distribution, OP and special OP services will be quickly available. It is possible to maximize the effectiveness of information collection of activities in the Homeopathy Department and conduct effective review and planning activities..
For now this app has been facilitated to provide homeopathy preventive medicines to school children with the consent of the parents. Medicines can be taken free of cost from nearby homeopathy institutions by booking in advance. This is possible to ensure doctor's service, avoid unnecessary waiting and rush, and maintain social distancing.
In the near future. The aim is to make OP, special OP services available in this way. Comments, instructions and complaints about services can be shared. Patients get services from home by providing facilities for telemedicine. This app can make the queue system efficient and provide services even in remote places.
The m-Homoeo app can be downloaded from Google Playstore at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.keltron.ahims
or search for Keltron Homoeo or Keltron Ahims in play store
Homoeopathy department in Kerala has 669 Regular dispensaries, 407 NHM dispensaries, 29 Temporary dispensaries in scheduled caste dominant areas in the State. 3 Floating dispensaries.4 Mobile dispensaries.
The department has 34 hospitals with total bed strength of 985 providing Diagnostic and Accessory Management Facilities, Clinical labs 23, USS in 5 hospitals and ECG facilities
The ongoing projects :RAECH, Ayushmanbhava, Punarjani, Seethalayam, Sadgamaya, Janani, Chethana Proposed Projects :Projects for Transgenders, Projects for Liver Disorders
Special OPs on specific disease conditions such as diabetes, thyroid, asthma, allergy etc. are currently conducted in District Hospitals on specific days by deploying medical officers from the peripheral dispensaries.
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FOR APP DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE 👈m-Homoeo mobile application
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