Home Best Alaram Clock || Best Alarm Clock Application in the world


 HomeBest Alarm ClockBest Alarm Clock Application in the world
Best Alarm Clock Application in the world

Home Best Alarm Clock || Best Alarm Clock Application in the world


Highest-rated alarm clock app in the world, with 4.6 stars from over 1,000,000 reviews!

Crazy loud ringtone sounds for heavy sleepers and night owls, as well as gentle alarm clock sounds for morning people who want to wake up without any worries

Photo Mission - Wake up and take a photo of the registered place to dismiss your alarm

Math Mission - Solve simple or advanced math problems and kickstart your brain

Barcode Mission - Scan the barcode or QR code you registered to turn the alarm off

Shake Mission - Shake your phone up to 999 times to wake up your body


Wake Up Check - If you worry you might fall back asleep, worry no more. Wake Up Check will check on you until you prove you’re fully awake

Backup Sound - Sometimes your alarm just doesn’t get you up. But if you wait for too long, you get a second, very loud alarm

Time Pressure - Get AI voice dictation of the exact time and a custom message every single minute until you turn your alarm off

Typing Mission - Type a few motivational quotations into your keyboard to energize yourself as you get up

Step Mission - Get out of bed and take 10 or 20 or 50 steps to get moving right away

Ad-Free Experience - Remove all ads, and customize what you do or don’t see, such as the weather & news, or the farewell dialog

Start sticking to your morning routine with a free trial today!


  • Check current temperature and pick your outfit for the day
  • Customize by playing your own music, songs, and selecting background colors
  • Use Snooze / Gradual volume increase / Vibrate features to wake up smoothly

  • Quick alarm for quick tasks that you can use when you don't have the least amount of time to set up
  • Prevent turn off: This feature helps you wake up by blocking your phone from turning off while the alarm clock rings

  • Prevent uninstall: This feature prevents you from uninstalling this app while the alarm clock is ringing




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